Winne, Robert Title: OMBROS
Winne, Robert Title: OMBROS
  • Winne, Robert Title: OMBROS
  • Winne, Robert Title: OMBROS

Winne, Robert Title: OMBROS


Robert Winne


30 x 30 x 1.5"

Acrylic on Canvas


A contemporary painting of a rain shower at night while visiting Santorini.

Artist Statement:

From early morning as the sky slowly turns from a dense black to an endless palette of colors, to high noon when the sun is bright and straight up above, to a spectacular evening as the sun begins its dissent towards a quiet horizon, my work captures the essence of living in the South. I refer to my painting style as modern expressionism in which I purposely distort reality to express a particular mood, feeling or thought. I often exaggerate colors and shapes while over emphasizing brush strokes and gestural marks to build the framework of something recognizable. Very often, it’s not what I paint, but what I don’t paint that invites the viewer to complete the image in their mind. My aim for each painting is to spark interest and intrigue through color, composition and something unexpected.

Collection: Under Three Feet

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