For fiber artist Jocelyn Welles, that vision is full of whimsical felt animals with animated features.“I try to make creatures that make people laugh.”
After 20 years of successfully running her exhibit design company, Jocelyn has decided to focus more on her craft through Welles and Company. This is an artistic collaboration with Jocelyn’s friends and family, including one of her sons, and best friend. “We first started getting Frank to make glass gifts for our clients and associates, then I decided we should sell his glass works as well.” Frank’s works are intricate and innovative, like his Jellyfish series, which functions as both art and a light. “We are not aware of anyone doing high-end glasswork with lights in this unique way.”
When conceptualizing her felt animals, Jocelyn will collect images of specific features of the animal that she believes make it unique. “I try to make them not realistic – I decide which features I like and exaggerate them.” For her piece Jeremiah, Jocelyn worked with an internationally known felt artist to conceptualize. The piece is based on an African Bull Frog and took about three months to complete. “I became rather intrigued with frogs during the process. Jeremiah even has a fly on his tongue.”
Jocelyn is currently brainstorming her next project and says she is conceptualizing a Leafy Seadragon piece. She hopes to use both felt and silk with this piece and, of course, is envisioning which features to exaggerate.
“I like being a team player, being a part of something, which is why I created Welles and Company to include family and friends.” She believes art is all about exploring together, learning new things, and sharing with people. “The more positivity you share with the world, the more you get back.”