Artist Interview: Terry Lacy

Posted by Jenni Kirby - June 18 2021


“Don’t just go to the edge of the precipice, jump off!”

“Paint what you love.”

“Be fearless. What have you got to lose?”


Terry Lacy has dabbled in the arts her entire life, though never bound to just one art form. Always drawn to the West, she studied art at the University of Utah and eventually pursued a 40-year career as a Jeweler. “During my time as a jeweler I wanted to learn to paint, so I took watercolor classes. I always loved the transparency of watercolors on a white surface.” Terry shifted gears and began painting in oils in 2010 after her mother passed away. “She would be happy to know that inheriting her old paintbox got me started in my serious pursuit to be an oil painter.”


Creatively speaking, Terry’s paintings are often based on photographs from experiences and travels. “My eyes are constantly searching for beauty. My goal is to make the best painting I possibly can. I need to feel a strong connection to the subject. The photos may evoke memories, such as a cool breeze, feeling of awe, or a spiritual connection, which I try to instill in my work.” After initial inspiration, she will draft preliminary drawings on canvas then paint, emphasizing bold colors and contrast. “Art is my form of self-expression. Painting is my music, my poem, my voice. I’m a quiet person which makes it interesting that my paintings are so bold.”



Now a member of the Oil Painters of America, Terry is continuously inspired by the work of fellow artists. “I consider myself an eternal student of art. It’s important for me to grow as an artist so I continue to challenge myself.” Terry has expanded her subject matter from flora to portraits and, more recently, even a dream-like Surrealist painting. “I mentioned painting what you love, well I love painting my dog, Eli, a 10-year-old Springer Spaniel. Those paintings bring me joy every day. That is what you hope your art can do- bring joy and enrich your life and others.”


With her art, and life, Terry lives by the philosophy that “you have not yet done your best work.” She plans to continue charging forward fearlessly, taking on each artistic challenge that presents itself.