Stan Maupin Title: Julia Longwings

Stan Maupin Title: Julia Longwings

$60.00 - $520.00

Stan Maupin

Julia Longwings


This photo was taken in the butterfly habitat at Lewis Ginter Botanical Gardens. Backgrounds of butterfly photos are often shades of green or brown, but the light filtering through the clear panels at Ginter provided a more colorful background. 


11x14 Matted Print $ 60
11x14 Framed Print $ 175
11x14 Framed Canvas $ 175
16x20 Matted Print $ 80
16x20 Framed Print $ 205
16x20 Framed Canvas $ 205
16x20 Metal $ 185
16x20 Acrylic $ 240
30x40 Framed Canvas $ 395
30x40 Acrylic $ 520
Other sizes and formats may be available. Please contact the artist or Crossroads if you have a question.

Collection: $301 - $500

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