Coakley Brown Title: Sister Tribe (Giclee)

Coakley Brown Title: Sister Tribe (Giclee)


Coakley Brown

Sister Tribe (Giclee)

Giclee on Canvas

36" x 36"


Sister Tribe was inspired by one of those stop-me-in-my-tracks moments. I was plein air painting shorebirds on the beach, when my attention was averted by the delighted squeals of five preteen girls, literally planted in the sand, among the breaking waves. Just arriving at that in-between age, yet young enough to be free from the self-consciousness associated with becoming a teenager. Quickly abandoning the painting I’d been working at, I was able to capture the light and colors of the scene in a quick oil study. The large studio painting that followed sprang from the contagious feeling of joyful abandon emanating from those girls, hand-in-hand, having such fun together in the surf. For me, it was such an authentic girl power moment, free from the need to prove anything to anybody. To me, it whispered with delight, “Be yourself! After all, why else are you here?” While these moments are not just for girls, I got to thinking, what a blessing it is to have a Sister Tribe! A core group of friends, whether blood relatives or those who simply feel like sisters, with whom we can celebrate our authentic selves. 


Collection: $501 - $1000

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