Frostick, Donna Title: Sound and Vision
Frostick, Donna Title: Sound and Vision
  • Frostick, Donna Title: Sound and Vision
  • Frostick, Donna Title: Sound and Vision

Frostick, Donna Title: Sound and Vision


Donna Frostick

Sound and Vision

Acrylic on Canvas

24 x 36 x 1.25"


The colors, forms and movement of our senses emerge as if from nowhere.

Artist's Statement:

My recent work deals with an elusive realism stripped of everything except colors, shapes and lines that blend and swirl together to form a space devoid of context.  Together, the components present a surreal narrative that can’t quite be understood, hinting at a world that’s not ours, exactly, populated with recognizable shapes in unrecognized spaces. I'm a native of Richmond, Virginia, with a BFA in Painting and Printmaking from Virginia Commonwealth University. I work primarily in acrylic and collage. My work has been widely shown in Richmond and throughout the Mid-Atlantic region. I’m a supporting artist member of Artspace Gallery and a member of Crossroads Art Center in Richmond.  

Collection: $501 - $1000

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