Harvey, Pat Title: Let There Be Peace
Harvey, Pat Title: Let There Be Peace
Harvey, Pat Title: Let There Be Peace
  • Harvey, Pat Title: Let There Be Peace
  • Harvey, Pat Title: Let There Be Peace
  • Harvey, Pat Title: Let There Be Peace

Harvey, Pat Title: Let There Be Peace


Pat Harvey

Let There Be Peace

Acrylic on Canvas Board

10 x 13 x .25", framed to 14 x 17 x .5"


My inspiration for this piece came from a love of quiet places and the small ponds I visited as a child. I wanted to create the perfect place where one could commune with Nature and find inner peace. It's a piece of art I was reluctant to complete because I loved where it took me.

Artist's Statement:

As a retired college administrator who spent 40 years living in numbers and student angst, I finally found my happy place in the world of Art. Art gives me permission to follow my distractions and pursue the elusive shiny objects that jump around in my mind. I started out using oils, attempted watercolors and pencils, and finally found my home in the land of acrylics. Creating large art is not my comfort zone; and I am happiest when working on smaller pieces, where I can crawl inside the painting. My subject matter, like my mind, varies from day to day. I have a tendency to explore my dark side when I paint, and my current challenge is bringing more joy onto the canvas. For me, Art is cathartic. It is music to my soul and allows that crazy, creative person inside to come out and play.

Collection: Acrylic Paintings

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