Filter By:
Acrylic Paintings (557)
Alcohol Ink (9)
Art Quilt (16)
Ceramic (37)
Charcoal (3)
Cold Wax (38)
Collage (44)
Digital Painting (16)
Encaustic (10)
Fabric & Fiber (53)
Giclée (7)
Glass (114)
Gold Leaf (3)
Gouache (10)
Graphite (2)
Ink (51)
Jewelry (68)
Machine Quilt (14)
Mixed Media (223)
Mosaics (12)
Oil Paintings (910)
Oil Pastel (2)
Paper (9)
Pastel (75)
Pen & Ink (3)
Pencil (10)
Photography (214)
Pigment Ink (5)
Pottery (23)
Prints (95)
Quilt Appliqué (9)
Quilted Notions (5)
Quilts (19)
Scratchboard (3)
Sculpture (83)
Serigraph (2)
Watercolor Paintings (142)
Wood (39)
On Board/Panel (46)
On Canvas (238)
On Watercolor Paper (23)
Abstract (521)
Contemporary (148)
Expressionism (86)
Impressionism (360)
Non-Objective (40)
Plein Air (5)
Pop Art (10)
Realism (206)
Surrealism (11)
Traditional (285)
Abroad (33)
Animals (371)
Architecture (212)
Beach (39)
Cityscape (118)
Fall (43)
Flora (429)
Food (88)
Forest (52)
Interior (21)
Landscape (648)
Nature (771)
Night (15)
Nocturne (10)
Ocean (73)
People (328)
Portrait (69)
Richmond (127)
River (63)
Ruralscape (55)
Seascape (109)
Sky (79)
Snow (7)
Spring (68)
Still Life (230)
Stream (21)
Summer (28)
Sunrise (12)
Sunset (12)
Twilight (3)
Winter (31)
Under Two Feet (1497)
One to Three Feet (672)
Two To Three Feet (372)
Under Three Feet (1959)
Three To Four Feet (533)
Four To Five Feet (74)
Over Five Feet (16)
Primary Color
Under $100 (401)
$100 - $200 (427)
$200 to $300 (378)
$300 to $500 (597)
$500 to $1,000 (607)
$1,000 to $3,000 (603)
$3,000 to $5,000 (111)
$5,000 to $10,000 (33)