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  • Barnett, Phyllis Title: Come Together
  • Barnett, Phyllis Title: Come Together

Barnett, Phyllis Title: Come Together


Phyllis Barnett

Come Together

Cotton Fabric Sewn Together with Cotton Batting

52 x 52 x .5"


This piece began as an effort to use leftover fabric scraps. Similar to jazz, it has an improvisational nature along with some structure of color and form to create asymmetrical rhythms into an overall harmony.

Artist Statement:

The tactile nature and pliability of textures creates the connection for me to work with fiber. Using math and geometry in conjunction with color, shape, and line of quilting encourage various facets to create harmony and balance, whether creating something practical and warm, aesthetically pleasing, or both. While textiles both go back to their basic elements over time and can be passed to other generations, perhaps my creations can bring comfort and enjoyment to others, present and future.

Collection: Art Quilt

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