Levy, Bart Title: Morning Has Broken
Levy, Bart Title: Morning Has Broken
Levy, Bart Title: Morning Has Broken
  • Levy, Bart Title: Morning Has Broken
  • Levy, Bart Title: Morning Has Broken
  • Levy, Bart Title: Morning Has Broken

Levy, Bart Title: Morning Has Broken


Bart Levy

Morning Has Broken

Oil and Cold Wax on Paper

15 x 17 x .38", framed to 16 x 19 x 2"



After a long night, fraught with worries and dreams, the break of day brings joy. The golden light, bright sky and calm waters just reinforce our well-being and graditude for a new day.

Artist's Statement:

I am a child of the south. Hot, humid summers with frigid air conditioning, iced tea all year around (sweet, if your taste runs that way), and children brought up to be polite to their elders. Born in Virginia, raised in North Carolina, resident of Virginia all of my adult life.The south definitely influences my painting. Landscapes and lush summer flowers. The peacefulness, the isolation, the sense of home–I work to capture it all.

I graduated VCU with a BFA in painting and printmaking.

Collection: Blue

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