Michele Rainer
When Night Falls on the City
Acrylic Paint, Gesso, GlazingMedium, Modeling Paste, Lumograph and Graphite Pencils on Canvas
36 x 36 x 1.5"
I began by making unplanned lines with a lumograph pencil and acrylic paint. I continued by adding and removing layers of acrylic paint, gesso, glaze, and modeling paste. To me, it looks like a busy city neighborhood, just after night falls.
Artist Statement:
Lines and shapes can portray everyday life. I begin by making unplanned lines on the canvas. These lines might stay the focus, form shapes, or be buried under layers of paint. It is a complex puzzle that can only be worked one piece at a time, adding and removing, until it all comes together and feels done. My completed paintings are typically made of mixed media, and vibrantly depict animals, fantastical creatures, and daily life.