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Ron Leone
Microwave Bowl Cozy
Small - $12
Large - $15
100% Cotton, Washable & Microwave Safe (100% Cotton).Comes in Assorted Colors and Designs – check out the assortment at Crossroads Art Center and pick yours!
Ever burn your hands taking a HOT bowl out of the Microwave? Well, no longer – a Microwave Bowl Cozy lets you heat your food and remove it from the microwave without burning your hands. It is also a great way to eat your HOT meals without scalding your lap… Pretty + Easy = Pretty Easy!
Great for eating on the couch – Hot or Cold meals from a bowl.
They come in 2 sizes Large (9-9.5”) and Small (7”). Between the two they fit many standard pasta, soup, salad and cereal bowls (even smaller serving bowls).
Contact Crossroads for Inventory Options