Stiller, Kerstin Title: Gerbera Daisy
Stiller, Kerstin Title: Gerbera Daisy
Stiller, Kerstin Title: Gerbera Daisy
  • Stiller, Kerstin Title: Gerbera Daisy
  • Stiller, Kerstin Title: Gerbera Daisy
  • Stiller, Kerstin Title: Gerbera Daisy

Stiller, Kerstin Title: Gerbera Daisy


Kerstin Stiller

Gerbera Daisy

18.123 x 18.13 x 20.63 x 20.63 x 1.63"

Acrylic Paint with Modeling Paste


What our eyes can't see, the brain fills in. This is a given fact which I use and play with through the viewers eye.

Artist's Statement:

I don't choose a theme or subject, it does chose me. Combined with the feeling of a challenge or to apply a new technique never done before with visualizing the final painting  in front of my inner eye gets me excited. A slow process or the risk of failure don't stop me from doing what I'm doing.

Collection: Fall

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