Jennifer Yane

The first time I did an angel painting in a VCU painting studio class, at the age of about 35, I was afraid I’d get laughed out or kicked out for not being cool! But fortunately, my teacher, Richard Kevorkian (link to obituary) took my painting seriously and added his own majestic strokes to my canvas so that I felt supported and validated. Newly in recovery from addiction, I was on my way to fulfilling my dream of being an artist and of thanking my Creator for my life. I still try to carry the message of life’s value and worth in all the paintings I do, from portraits to cartoons and from all the other places my imagination takes me.

Especially in my cartoons I am often accused of whimsy, a quality which sneaks in through my love of the art of Marc Chagall. But this quality is quite natural considering my other choices of subject matter. Felines and Canines are often my subjects of choice, and they always make my heart smile and that smile gets transmitted through my brush.

Along with portraiture, especially pet portraits, I love painting from the model, and a few of my model paintings are included in this collection. Some of the ones here were painted in a studio class led by Sally Bowring, with whom I have taken several classes.

Thank you for viewing my artwork. To see more art, and to read my biography, please visit my website.
