Nardone, Sandy Title: Two Little Blue Birds Singing for Fun
Nardone, Sandy Title: Two Little Blue Birds Singing for Fun
Nardone, Sandy Title: Two Little Blue Birds Singing for Fun
  • Nardone, Sandy Title: Two Little Blue Birds Singing for Fun
  • Nardone, Sandy Title: Two Little Blue Birds Singing for Fun
  • Nardone, Sandy Title: Two Little Blue Birds Singing for Fun

Nardone, Sandy Title: Two Little Blue Birds Singing for Fun


Sandy Nardone

Two Little Blue Birds Singing for Fun

Oil on Stretched Canvas

16 x 12 x .5", framed to 22 x 18"



Bluebirds have always made me smile - they are the harbingers of Spring. After a rather dry spell, I found this image a friend snapped on her deck and had to paint it!

Artist's Statement:

As a stay-at-home mom, I raised three children while running a small business making porcelain dollhouse dolls in period costumes.

The dolls were sold on Fifth Avenue in New York and were featured in several books. I went back to college - Rutgers' Mason Gross School of Fine Arts -  and became an award-winning graphic artist/designer for several large corporations, worked freelance, and performed contract work. My work satisfied my creative needs, and it wasn’t until I retired  that I decided to devote myself to painting full-time. Studying under several artists whose work I admired, I began to form my own style working exclusively in oils, painting on panels. My style is representational, with some aspects of impressionism. I love to paint portraits, landscapes, florals, and still life, and welcome commissions.

Collection: On Canvas

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