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  • Thorne, Mairi Title: Tranquil Eventide
  • Thorne, Mairi Title: Tranquil Eventide
  • Thorne, Mairi Title: Tranquil Eventide

Thorne, Mairi Title: Tranquil Eventide


Mairi Thorne

Glen Echo Park

Pastel on Multimedia Sanded Pastel Board

9 x 12 x 1", Framed to 17 x 21 x 2"



What started as a little study grew into a full fledge painting. This studio piece was inspired by a collection on sunset photos gifted to me by an old client.

Artist's Statement:

I consider myself a "Millennial Artist" as I have one foot in traditional art and the other in digital art. I also have a hand in medieval tools and techniques due to my upbringing. I do a wide variety of mediums: watercolors, soft pastels, gouache, oils, lino-cut block printing, jewelry making, paint making, and soap making. There may be a touch of my mother's ADHD in there. Currently I tend to focus on plein air watercolors and pastels; I am also exploring more with gouache.

Collection: Pastel

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