Linda Hollett-Bazouzi Title: Fan Lion Fountain, Shields Ave (Knife)
Linda Hollett-Bazouzi Title: Fan Lion Fountain, Shields Ave (Knife)
  • Linda Hollett-Bazouzi Title: Fan Lion Fountain, Shields Ave (Knife)
  • Linda Hollett-Bazouzi Title: Fan Lion Fountain, Shields Ave (Knife)

Linda Hollett-Bazouzi Title: Fan Lion Fountain, Shields Ave (Knife)


Linda Hollett-Bazouzi

Fan Lion Fountain, Shields Ave (Knife)

Oil on Canvas

8 x 10", framed to 9.5 x 11.5"


Part of my "Alleys of Richmond" series, celebrating all the beauty in Richmond's alleyways. If you know Joe's Inn on Shields Avenue, you know this residential fountain. It's not IN an alley, but it's close. I did the view with a brush, and then this version, with a palette knife.

Collection: Richmond

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