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  • Little, Susan Title: Clear Lake I
  • Little, Susan Title: Clear Lake I

Little, Susan Title: Clear Lake I


Susan Little

Clear Lake I

Oil and Cold Wax on Paper and Panel

14 x 14 x 1.5"



This place in the Sandhills of Nebraska is where I spent summers. Some years the hills are green and other years they are tan, depending on rainfall, but they are remnants of an prehistoric inland sea and totally fascinating.

Artist's Statement:

I live in Richmond, VA. My work has evolved through the years, from realistic still life and florals to my current abstracted landscapes.  I discovered Cold Wax Medium a few years ago, and it has transformed my painting practice.  These landscapes show my interest in color and mark making.  I use imagery from photos I have taken of places I love and have visited in my past, but I also draw on imagination to create works that reflect the beauty I see in our natural world.  I layer the paint and wax and then scratch through the surface to show what lies beneath, just as nature gives us glimpses of a hidden world beneath earth's surface.

Collection: Under Three Feet

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