Arenander, Sven Title: Rebirth Embraced
Arenander, Sven Title: Rebirth Embraced
Arenander, Sven Title: Rebirth Embraced
  • Arenander, Sven Title: Rebirth Embraced
  • Arenander, Sven Title: Rebirth Embraced
  • Arenander, Sven Title: Rebirth Embraced

Arenander, Sven Title: Rebirth Embraced


Sven Arenander

Rebirth Embraced

Wood, Ceramics

15 x 32 x 12"



The piece is a collaboration between Sven and Lee Hazelgrove. Inspired by mother nature's ability to generate regrowth and rebirth of new, beautiful flora and fauna from dying and dead materials. The circle of life.

Artist Statement:

I am a self taught sculptor, working primarily with found wood, ceramics, stone and metal. My inspiration comes from many different sources; anything from what mother nature shows me to current events or whatever life puts into my head. I always do deep meditation over my ideas and over my starting materials, asking the universe to show me a design or propose an approach to my next piece. I try to build contrast into my pieces, and sometimes tension and illustration of conflict. If I wrestle with life issues at the time I create, mine or those of others, this will likely be reflected in some way in the piece. On the other hand, I love creating visual fireworks when I can, so many of my pieces celebrate beauty that I see all around me, mostly in nature. My passion is bringing the sculpture to life; the process of taking it from idea and sketch to finished product. 


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