Mohammed, Babs Title: Waiting for My Love
Mohammed, Babs Title: Waiting for My Love
  • Mohammed, Babs Title: Waiting for My Love
  • Mohammed, Babs Title: Waiting for My Love

Mohammed, Babs Title: Waiting for My Love


Babs Mohammed

Waiting for My Love

20 x 15, Framed to 26 x 20"

Mixed Media


A woman waiting for her truly love one.

Artist's Statement:

Babs Mohammed grew up in Northern Ghana, in the city of Tamale. As a boy, he often spent time away from the city in his grandfather’s village where he learned to appreciate the traditions and cultures of his people. Later, Babs joined the Center for National Culture in Tamale, Ghana and learned traditional drumming and African dance, which he performed throughout Ghana. After immigrating to the United States in 2011, Babs used his paintings to continue to remember and celebrate the cultural traditions of his homeland. His artwork celebrates traditional African dance, music, village life, hard work, and family.


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