Nye Moran, Sandra Title: Yellow Irises
Nye Moran, Sandra Title: Yellow Irises
  • Nye Moran, Sandra Title: Yellow Irises
  • Nye Moran, Sandra Title: Yellow Irises

Nye Moran, Sandra Title: Yellow Irises


Sandra Nye Moran

Yellow Irises

Watercolor on Board Protected by Archival Varnish with UVLS

10 x 10"



Yellow Irises is the result of my fascination with the complexity and beauty of Irises combined with an in-depth exploration of yellow. I did many drawings and photos. This rendition gives the viewer the opportunity to enjoy the beauty and energy of the Iris rather than a technical presentation.

Artist's Statement:

love the adventure of water color and pushing it to new levels. When I returned to the world of art choosing a water medium was primarily driven by the fact all you really need is water. My background from designing and FIT was a much more controlled environment than the wonderful, creative  world I have entered. Blending the sublime intuitive with the science of watercolor is perfect for my current creative style of painting. This season  I am exploring Plein Aire and the beautiful energy of our spring colors. Of course summer is now here so I will soon take that opportunity to move into larger studio pieces  while continuing going out with Virginia Plein Air Painters and the RVAUrban Sketchers. 


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