Neumann, Sandy Title: 5 o'Clock
Neumann, Sandy Title: 5 o'Clock
  • Neumann, Sandy Title: 5 o'Clock
  • Neumann, Sandy Title: 5 o'Clock

Neumann, Sandy Title: 5 o'Clock


Sandy Neumann

5 o'Clock

Recycled Glass with Crushed, Fused, Vitrigraph Glass on Acrylic Painted Canvas

20 x 10 x 1.5"


New way of viewing glass art in a dimensional format.

Artist's Statement:

My love of art creation has expanded through the years—taking me from photography to working with stained glass for several years to painting.  Recently, I turned again to glass with a twist.   I am using recycled glass on painted backgrounds incorporating vitrigraph, fused, crushed glass sealed in resin to make mixed media canvases.


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