Wiebe-King, Robert Title: Le Royal Opéra
Wiebe-King, Robert Title: Le Royal Opéra
Wiebe-King, Robert Title: Le Royal Opéra
  • Wiebe-King, Robert Title: Le Royal Opéra
  • Wiebe-King, Robert Title: Le Royal Opéra
  • Wiebe-King, Robert Title: Le Royal Opéra

Wiebe-King, Robert Title: Le Royal Opéra


Robert Wiebe-King

Le Royal Opéra

Oil on Canvas

16 x 20 x .75", framed to 21.13 x 25.13 x 1.38"



A late-afternoon street scene in Paris. I was inspired by the interplay of light and shadow and complementary warm and cool tones.

Artist Statement:

I'm a Richmond-born artist who primarily works with oil paints.  I graduated from VCU with a degree in filmmaking and photography, but soon after graduation in 2017 I became obsessed with capturing light in a different medium.  Almost unconsciously, I've made what feels like a natural transition from photography to oil painting, where I can still create compelling two-dimensional images, but now directly with my hands.  I often work in the studio from photos I've taken; recently I've been combining my love of the outdoors with painting by working "en plein air" as well.


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