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  • Wilkin, Diane Title: The Hug - (inspired by my daughter's drawing)
  • Wilkin, Diane Title: The Hug - (inspired by my daughter's drawing)
  • Wilkin, Diane Title: The Hug - (inspired by my daughter's drawing)

Wilkin, Diane Title: The Hug - (inspired by my daughter's drawing)


Diane Wilkin

The Hug - (inspired by my daughter's drawing)

Acrylic on Canvas (via Brush & Print)

48 x 24 x 1.5"



According to my daughter, 'Mom's hugs wrap you up.' - Her tattered drawing from years ago - still posted above my desk- and an article on the scientific power of hugs to help sleep more than counting sheep both inspired this piece. She's a mom now and gives awesome hugs! Hug someone you love :)

Artist's Statement:

My work explores the world - our natural environment and our relationships - via layers, interactions, and juxtapositions. 

Collection: Black & White

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